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Teach Yourself The Gospel (TYTG) Series

Author: Apostle Kelvin Franklin

     Used as the source material for the Bible Place Institute's Basic Christian Belief Course.

     Promoting Spiritual Growth in Individuals and Churches.

     The "Teach Yourself The Gospel" Series represents years of reading and studying the bible.  The lessons present the truths of the bible in a straight forward, simplistic, easy to read format.  The strength of the lessons are that they are easy to follow and understand and provide very in-depth knowledge of God'S WORD.
     The study pamphlets are great for use in bible study and Sunday school programs as well as for use by individuals.  The lessons focus on the key truths of the word and those items essential to the well being of a follower of Jesus Christ.
     The lessons are designed to not only teach basic truths but teach believer how to study and learn even more about God.  They teach the principles of studying the word of God as well as learning to hear and understand the voice of the Holy Spirit (Ghost).
     The lessons are featured in our online Bible Place Institute as part of our Basic Christian Belief Course.

We Encourage You to Try a Lesson.

  Teach Yourself The Gospel Series: Basic Christian Belief Course See Test Below This course is composed of the nine lessons listed below.  They provide a well rounded introduction to Christianity.  Subject include Salvation, Reading the Bible, Baptist, Fasting, etc.  
1. Teach Yourself To Read The Bible  Reading the Bible   Provides a background on bibles so you can select one, gives principles for reading the bible, and recommended reading patterns.  Gets you off to a good start  
2. Understanding God's Plan for Salvation Salvation What does God say about Salvation?  This lessons will answer your questions.  It is filled with scriptures that explain salvation.   Easy reading.  You will walk away with a scriptural understanding of what salvation is all about
3. Teach Yourself About Baptism Baptism  Should you be baptized?  This lessons covers many scriptures in the new testament related to baptism.  You can read and the Holy Spirit will help you understand the need for baptism in your life.
4. Teach Yourself About Fasting Fasting  Do you want to fast as they did in the new testament church.  This lesson will provide you scripture guidance to help get you started.
5. Teach Yourself About Spiritual Relationships Spiritual Relationships This lessons shares with you biblical insights that you can utilize to enrich your Christian fellowship and personal relationships.  Builds unity and harmony within the church..  
6. Marriage: The Best Part of Life Marriage What does God say about marriage?  God uses the marriage to teach us about Christianity.  This books helps to build a strong marriage.
7. Understanding Gifts & Callings: Their Role in Today's Church Gifts and Callings  What are Gifts and Callings? Who gives them?  How do we get one?  How do we find our particular calling?  
8. Understanding Spiritual Warfare in Today's Church Spiritual Warfare  Are we really in a spiritual battle or is it a bunch of none sense.  This lesson teaches you the art of Spiritual Warfare based on the scriptures.
9. Understanding Spiritual Warfare 2:
Know Your Enemy
Spiritual Warfare 2  What are the devices that satan uses against us today?  In order to fight our enemy effectively, we must know him.  This book shows you some of the devices satan uses today. 


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