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     Bible Place was created to offer Christians the opportunity to share what God has given them online.  We would love to review your lessons, poems, stories, sermons, and other Christian writings and post them on our site.   If you already have a web site or homepage with your works--if you allow us to post several of your works, we will link each of your works back to your site so they can read other of your works.  If you already have a book published and would like to offer it on our site, we will do that also if we can post a small excerpt from the book and you provide information on where they can purchase the book.

     Publishing online offers you the opportunity to have others read and be blessed by selections of your work.  Hopefully, if they become very popular, that popularity can be used to convince a publisher to publish your works or for you to individually publish your works because you already have an audience.  Although this may be a side benefit that you experience from making your works available here online, OUR MAIN GOAL and the purpose of this site is to allow Christians to share their writings as the early Christians (the Apostles and other early Christian writers) did in their day and age.  For example, on my site you will find several complete works that I have written.  One day I will publish them in a basic Christianity book.  I've already published a  book on a home piano course that I have sold in stores. It is available on my web page.

     If publishing your works online in this manner to bless others also interests you, I hope and pray that you would send works to me.

     Our guidelines are simple and are aimed at ensuring authors that their rights will be protected:
1. Authors maintains full copyright authority for their writings.
2. Bible Place will not publish any writings in any printed publications without the approval of the author.
3. Bible Place reserves the right to not post writing that it deems offensive or not in keeping with the truths of the bible.
4. Bible Place reserves the right to print writings in our electronic newsletter unless otherwise requested by the author
5. Bible Place is responsible for the display of the writings on the web site.  Authors are welcomed to make input and comments, but Bible Place will define the final displayed layout.
6. Authors can revoke the right for Bible Place to post their work at any time.  This request must be in writing and come from the authors designated e-mail address.

     With that said, I am excited about the opportunity to post your writings on my site.  Send them to me and I will get started.  I will let you know when I have posted them and you can review them and tell me what you think about the display.  I will work with you to create a display that fits your taste and thoughts.

     I Look forward to hearing from you and receiving your writings.

Love In Christ,

Rev. Kelvin Franklin
Founder, The Bible Place
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